I love Anime and Manga so much, and I'm often called otaku. Sometimes someone considers me as wired or hentai, but I never mind. I'm going my way, because I love Anime and Manga. Additionally I investigate the meaning of terms, otaku and moe. It is hard for me to understand the meaning of the terms in detail, so I should watch a lot of Anime and Manga as much as possible and enjoy. At the same time, I'm publishing anime information in this blog by using English.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Mizugumonmon @ Miyazaki Anime

Director Hayao Miyazaki known by "Spirited Away" announed to screen three new animes in "Mitaka no Mori Bijutsukan" of Tokyo Mitaka city next January. The screened works are three short animes such as "Mizugumonmon" which is the motif of "Kemushi no Boro". This screened works are not public theatrical release, but only opening in "Mitaka no Mori Bijutsukan". Details of this screened works are published in Studio Ghibli official HP this November middle.

Spirited AwayDVDSpirited Away

Average Customer Rating: 4.5 (Based on 701 Ratings.)
You are SO LUCKY to see Spirited Away
A Triumph of Film-Making...
NO Spirited Away Just Stay Away

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